
Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) is committed to keeping to the vision of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura; “prosper lives through learning” by making learning to happen in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). The Department of English Language Teaching caters to a large body of students enrolled in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, and Faculty of Engineering by providing them with a wide array of learning opportunities that foster listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills are taught by incorporating soft skills to a maximum level where the learners engage in drama, singing, presentations, community projects, and library sessions.

The courses and examinations of the department are designed in alignment with the University Test of English Language (UTEL) benchmarks. The first-year students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are given 150 hours of academic input per semester while the second, and third, year students are coached for English for Academic Purposes (EAP), English for General Purposes (EGP), and English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) courses. We also offer an optional diploma in English course for the students who successfully complete the first-year English course.

Furthermore, content-based courses are offered to the students of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, and we provide our teaching services in the orientation program of the Faculty of Engineering.

The department is taking the initiative to empower the students in many ways: English Language Society (ELS) provides students with chances to showcase their talents in a variety of areas where the English Language is directly involved. English oratorical competition: ‘DELT- Speech Star’ is yet another opportunity given to the students to develop their public speaking skills in the first year of their studies. The strength of the department lies in its versatile teaching staff consisting of eight permanent lecturers, one permanent English instructor, ten temporary assistant lecturers, and visiting lecturers all with postgraduate qualifications in the relevant fields of study and its dedicated team of non-academic staff.

Let me wish all students a meaningful academic life in the university!

Mr. D. L. S. Ananda
Head -DELT